Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Green

It's warm in Dragonwood. Bees are visiting the crocuses and early spring wildflowers. Just yesterday, a notable green showed above the brown leaf mulch. In the field, wee beasties have left their winter homes behind. Great galls on goldenrod stalks now have holes in them, and strange pupal skins and coccoons are abandoned. Bloodroot is blooming, and the bees are quite busy. Tabby, the dog, snaps them out of the air for a crunchy snack. At the Manor, we are all quite busy ourselves, installing insulation and prepping for drywall. This weekend, we anticipate getting a good start on the drywall, with a little help from our friends. Spicebush buds are bursting into yellow stars. Faerygirl claims to have observed some tiger beetles, and the children bear the welts from their first mosquito bites. I have some peas, brassicas, and lettuces starting to emerge from the earth, in addition to my tomato, pepper, and brassica starts indoors. We also planted some rugosa roses! Every day brings new delights.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds wonderful! We are loving the warm weather, the sunshine, and the emerging flowers and buds!

