Friday, February 12, 2010


It's been a snowy week. Three out of five school days were cancelled due to weather. I start feeling a bit isolated when we are snowed in for so long, but the heated floors and prudential grocery shopping (before the winter storm) certainly help. Unfortunately, the Lady, Faerygirl, and Squirrelboy have all been "under the weather" with sore throats and nasty energy-sapping colds. Still, nothing can mar the beauty of this day! As the sun started its way up the sky, the branches of the trees swiftly turned white. At first, a bare glisten graced the branches, but as we watched, a thick coat of hoarfrost formed. The woods became utterly enchanting. Every surface outdoors is now covered with perfect crystalline structures. It makes the forest look fuzzy. Above, the skies are blue and the sun shines. The tops of the trees are brilliant. Our family went out doors for a while to enjoy the bizarre cold beauty.

Dragonwood Manse

Window View

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